If you work for a public authority, you are either already in the middle of the preparations for next generation Digital Post, or you will soon be beginning your preparations. This demands a thorough strategy for how to handle it. At Peak we have previously helped authorities with digital transitions, and we are ready to advise you on all stages of the process.
The communication between citizens and businesses is a matter that demands trust. Lost post can have serious consequences for both citizen and authority. When Digital Post became obligatory in 2013-14, the lesson that was learnt was that reorganization and implementation was more extensive than expected, and that employees had to run very fast to succeed. Therefore, our recommendation is that you as an authority prioritize the ability to understand, coordinate, and implement next generation Digital Post. At Peak we can help you with every step of implementation, from creating the overview and devising the strategy to leading your project across the finishing line.
Why should you prioritize the implementation?
The Agency for Digital Government has developed a number of support-tools and guides for the implementation, but they can be difficult to keep track of. Because of this, there are several benefits to be gained from having a dedicated implementation-initiative with external counselling:
- The right implementation set-up from the beginning
- Faster transition from planning to implementation and operation
- Precise uncovering of level of ambition and effort