Portfolio management - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK



Portfolio management

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An organization’s projects and other initiatives must underpin the business strategy. However, it can be hard for management to maintain an overview and prioritize between initiatives. Here, portfolio management is an essential tool for creating cohesion between strategy and realization.  

A project portfolio is an outline of the organization’s ongoing and upcoming projects. The purpose of this outline is to give management an opportunity to orientate themselves and prioritize between the projects and thereby create a solid basis for decision and transparency across the organization. But this requires competent portfolio management that is adjusted to the maturity of your organization. At Peak we help our customers analyse the connections between projects, programs and portfolios, resource capacity and reporting requirements – and we have broad experience with completing these analyses effectively. We ensure, that your portfolio underpins your strategic goals in the best possible way, whether they be profitability, market shares or delivery capabilities.  

The effect of good portfolio management 

There are many benefits to gain from the overview a well-established portfolio provides. Regardless of your strategic basis or maturity, good portfolio management can be a determining factor for achieving: 

  • Quick correction and strategic adjustment within initiatives that underpin the overall strategy  
  • Rendering the effects of the project visible 
  • Faster project course 
  • Improved allocation of development resources for top priority projects 

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patrick Sorentino, forandringsledelse

Patrick Sorrentino

Client Director

Tel: +45 26 16 40 28

Our approach

We help our customers create an overview across projects and programs. This is done by activating our consultants within these disciplines among others 

Supplier selection 

Acquisitions and organizational implementation of project portfolio solutions.  


Estimation and optimized utilization of resources. 

Portfolio reorganization  

Cure against project blockers – prioritization of projects.  

Maturity assessment 

Analysis and expert evaluation of the organization’s ability to execute in terms of projects and portfolios. 


Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Skal vi hjælpe jer?

I Peak ved vi, at god porteføljestyring understøtter bedre ledelse. Det kan skabe bedre beslutninger og dermed mere tilfredse medarbejdere og bedre resultater. Når vi hjælper organisationer med at realisere deres porteføljestyring, tager vi hensyn til organisationens situation, erfaring og modenhed. Uanset om I skal starte fra bunden eller mangler retning på jeres nuværende portefølje, rådgiver vi gerne om, hvordan I kommer i mål.
Det vigtige for os er, at I bliver klogere undervejs, så I enten bliver mærkbart bedre eller selv bliver klar til at overtage porteføljestyringen indenfor en overskuelig periode.

PMO forum

A network for Danish PMO’s

We have gathered 260 managers from 132 different organizations, from the private and the public sector respectively, within the network PMO Forum. The goal with the network is to make us all more equipped to handle the challenges that are linked to establishment, development and operation of project-, program- and portfolio-setup, both from a management-angle and an administration-angle. 

Related services

Projects in the Agency for Governmental IT Services 

Related courses

Agile Courses
Agile Courses
management of projects
Change Management
Company courses
Company Courses

Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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