Benefits realization - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK



Benefits realization 

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Programs and projects are brought into the world to deliver one or several benefits. However, these benefits are unfortunately not always realized. At Peak we work determinedly with benefits realization by identifying, measuring and acting on them before, during and after a given project or program. 

One benefit is the positive effect of the changes, the project or program gives rise to. Benefits realization is the discipline that ensures this happens. If you are to succeed in attaining the benefits you want from a program or project, it is essential that the benefits are real: stakeholders must want them, and it has to be lifeblood, so it actually matters if you achieve the desired effects or not. Meaning, there are not supposed be imaginary benefits, unrealistically inflating a business case. With benefits realization as an approach to planning and evaluation of your project or program, you steer clear of both the unrealistic- and the unrealized benefits.  


Why is benefits realization important? 

A project and especially a program, that keeps within time- and budget constraints, but does not realize that expected benefits, is a failed effort. And there are many of these in both private and public organizations. On the other hand, with professional and dedicated benefits realization, you can:  

  • Ensure that the desired effects, results and benefits are realized 
  • Increase the welfare of your employees  
  • Improve the quality of offers and services 
  • Increase customer satisfaction  
  • Meet a legal requirement 

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patrick Sorentino, forandringsledelse

Patrick Sorrentino

Client Director

Tel: +45 +45 26 16 40 28

Our approach

We always use a methodological approach when we realize benefits with our customers. This means, we have a range of tools that come into play: 

Implementation of benefits 

Together we carry out the plan for benefits realization through program- and project work, change management and relevant competency development.   

Making the benefits visible  

Management, employees and additional stakeholders parties are made aware of the benefits through timely communication and visible results, so ownership is created throughout the entire project. 

Benefits assessment and evaluation  

Are the benefits and changes seen through to the end by management? We make sure to assess and evaluate the benefits after the project is finished and we also ensure that they are no operating losses. 

Identification of benefits 

We produce a plan for benefits realization that analyses and identifies the desired benefits along with mapping how we can best reach our goal. 


Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Let us help you optimize the effect of your projects

Whenever Peak helps organizations realise the value of their projects, we pay regard to the organization’s situation, experience and maturity. Regardless of whether you need a common understanding and a common language of benefits realization, are about to begin a new initiative, or wish to generally improve your methodology-apparatus, we are happy to advise you on how to reach your goal.  


Download the e-book about benefits realization

Gain knowledge about how Danish communes systematized the benefits realization of their projects with the help of Peak

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Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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