Acquisitions of equipment and IT are extensive processes, that require precise insight and understanding of project-, contract-, and supplier. At Peak we have hands-on experience with acquisition projects costing a few million to over one billion DKK. We have got you covered during all parts of the project’s life cycle, from the initial analyses, to evaluation of offers and implementation.
There are many pitfalls to consider in an acquisition project. Aside from the regular project management there are also the acquisition specific phases such as the initial analysis, contract formation and possibly the offer-phase, which has to be managed in accordance with tender law and present co-operations. It is also not insignificant if it is a standard product or if the organization has to acquire a development product, that has to be implemented and put into operation within the organization. Finally, it also requires great competencies within change management and benefits realization to secure the outcome of the new acquisition. In this way, acquisition projects make use of the entire, broad palette of project management tools for both administration and leadership, which make them a resource demanding discipline.
What are the benefits?
With extern project management in your acquisitions, you get experienced eyes and hands on all elements of the project’s life cycle. This gives you:
- Robust leadership
- Experienced project management