Agile Fluency - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK



Agile Fluency

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Teams are one of the pillars in an agile deliverable-organization regardless of whether they are delivery teams, several teams in an Agile Release Train or an agile delivery organization. Requirements for the maturity in these teams and their self-understanding are essential in the work to mature an agile delivery organization. With an agile goal setting, you get an effective method of creating high performance teams. 

Regardless of which agile model you have chosen, effective agile teams are crucial to your ability to bring value to the customers. Through an agile goal setting you create a map of the agile condition in the organization, in the Agile Release Train or in a team – including which direction a team, train or organization, has to follow to realize their potential. But not all agile teams have the same goal setting. Some want to create the most value by being very competent at delivering flawless solutions on time. Other teams also need to have a very strong market-focus and readiness to try out new solutions within the market. Depending on what the needs of the individual team are, the initiatives necessary to achieve high performance (and thereby agile fluency) will be different. 

What are the benefits? 

In organizations that have done several years of agile work, we know from experience that bad habits creep in, but also that the agile teams have the impression that they are as good as they can get. Here, an agile goal setting can be used to hold a mirror up to the team and identify the improvement opportunities which can lead to:  

  • Increased customer value. 
  • Cross-functional learning. 
  • A higher degree of predictability. 

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mød teamet

Karina Nordvig

Client Director

Tel: +45 25602433

Our approach

With a starting point in the tool Agile Fluency Diagnostics, of which we are a licenced facilitator, we tailor a course on the basis of your needs and level of ambition. The process includes among other things: 

Establishment of baseline  

On an extended retrospective we establish a baseline for the goal setting together. 

Identification of strengths  

We identify the strengths of the individual team and suggest areas the team should focus on more. 

Coaching and training 

We prepare you for the changes through coaching, training and peer-to-peer education, so we quickly make ourselves dispensable to you.  


Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Let us help you toward optimal agile teams

At Peak we have hands-on experience with all parts of a scaled agile setup. Naturally, we put this to use together with you in a focused search to find unrealized potential within the agile teams and convert it customer value and high predictability.  

the agile fluency

The model for agile fluency

Agile teams develop through 4 overall areas. Each area is defined by the team mastering a selection of appertaining skills both in everyday situations and under pressure – i.e., they achieve team fluency. The development toward a high performing agile team thus often follows the steps of Diana Larsen and James Shore’s Agile Fluency Model. 

Related services

Projects in the Agency for Governmental IT Services 

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Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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