Established investment program - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK




Transport company established best practice investment program 

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Peak helped Copenhagen transport company establish PMO for a larger investment program. This involved, among other things, preparation of steering tools, establishment of program structure and securing of benefits realization. 

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We respect that not all customers wish to appear under their own name. For this reason, this case is described using general terms.  


The company had been granted 2 billion DKK for an investment program, that was meant to ensure increased capacity in the trains, as well as reduce the maintenance costs of the existing train fleet. However, the program was anchored in the company’s operations department, whose experience with program establishment was inadequate, and they risked swallowing too many resources in terms of the departments responsibilities and operation tasks. They needed both counselling in building a PMO as well as maintaining progress during the establishment of the program.  


The approach to the establishment of the PMO took the best practice method Managing Successful Programs (MSP) as its starting point. Here, Peak particularly advised the company on a recommended decision hierarchy, as well as the fundamental program-structure and program-plan. It also included creating a project understanding and mutual commitment amongst the program participants – from project employee, to steering committee and directorate. In order to ensure compliance with the government program-model and the government IT-project model, different management tools and templates such as a management summary, benefits descriptions and a program basis were also developed. To supplement this, Peak kept a check on the program and the projects’ documentation, in order to ensure uniform application and improve compliance.  

Finally, Peak established a benefits realization setup, based on the framework Managing Benefits. Among other things, this involved ongoing dialogue with the project managers about describing the benefits realization properly, as well as the benefits assessment and action plans with designated benefit owners.  



0 %
Increased capacity is expected to be realized
Workstreams created direction for the program’s progress
0 Months
From project start to project completion

Are you establishing a program office?

At Peak we have some of the country’s brightest project-, program- and portfolio managers, and we are happy to help you tidy up and create direction in your projects. Regardless of whether you are starting from scratch or need direction on your current program, we are happy to advise you on how you can achieve your goal. 

Read our other cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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