Better collaboration for The Danish Emergency Management Agency - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK




Reorganization ensured better collaboration for The Danish Emergency Management Agency 

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The desire for better collaboration between The Danish Emergency Management Agency and the rest of The Danish Defence meant transference of roles, authorization and tasks between the agencies. Peak helped manage the project organization.  

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The Danish Emergency Management Agency, which is a part of The Danish Defence, was given the task of entering into a closer collaboration with The Danish Defence’s other agencies.  

This meant, that tasks within HR, equipment, economy, accounts, establishment as well as IT-infrastructure had to be transferred to the other supporting agencies within The Danish Defence. This also entailed larger, cross-disciplinary work across agencies and fields. In that regard, Peak was given the task of managing the process, so the desired deadline for transition to the new IT-platform was realized.  


Peak’s consultant enhanced and structured the project organization, so roles and authorizations became clearer. The consultant also assisted by keeping an overview and navigating the complex organizational context across the agencies.  

Old meeting fora were stripped away, and new cross-disciplinary meeting fora were implemented. At the same time, intern, cross-disciplinary whiteboard meetings were introduced within The Danish Emergency Management Agency, based on SCRUM and the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Finally, the consultant functioned as a sparring partner for central stakeholders in The Danish Defence’s organization including The Danish Emergency Management Agency’s executive board.  

This brought great managerial support across The Danish Defence’s agencies, and with the new ways of organizing the project work came a common understanding of the project’s critical deliverables and transparency in the management. As a result, the new IT-platform was put into operation as planned and on time. 

Do you want us to help?

At Peak we help many businesses get started with different best practices within project management and project organization. Still, we always take our starting point in what works well in the organization and we supplement the existing model, where it needs it.  

Read our other cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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