MoP leverer alle de nødvendige trin til at definere og levere en portefølje af initiativer. MoP indeholder en række teknikker til at organisere og prioritere initiativer, samt et rammeværk for at styre leverancerne, herunder gevinster, risici og ressourcestyringsprocesser. Kurset udforsker de gældende principper for best practice, som en organisation har brug for at sikre succesfuld porteføljeledelse. Undervisningen varierer imellem teori og praksis og vil skabe grundlag for dine vellykkede MoP Foundation & Practitioner eksamener.
- Consulting services
- Training
- Cases
- CultureDorthe Jensen, Peak
At Peak you have competent, experienced colleagues that know how to lead projects and programmes. You have access to a great amount of knowledge on best practices in project, programme, portfolio and change management and you work in different organisations and contribute to important tasks.
Hans Heldbo, PeakIt is fun to be a consultant, but it is also demanding as you are the product being sold to the client. You have to be sharp all the time - and here it is a great advantage that you are being taken care of in Peak.
It is a priority that your private life and your professional ambitions are connected, and if you need help, you'll never go in vain. Peak is a very human workplace. A proper place - no less. You are never alone.
Michael Meisner, PeakIn Peak there is room for you to express your opinion. The flat organizational structure ensures that the management listens and are open to feedback. I think that's rather atypical for a management house of this size.
- Insights
How to safeguard the operation of your IT-systems portfolioSAFe® 5.1 – 8 things, you should know about the new updateBenefits of IT-system portfolio management - About PeakBenjamin Kyvsgaard