Peace of mind – this is what we want to achieve with risk management. Risk management is a natural part of any sensible project model with risk registers and processes – but is risk management just a pretext for inaction? A lot of the time, we are unaware of the fact that real and dangerous risks are merely discussed, accepted and noted in a risk-log whereafter we overlook the ticking time-bomb they have become.
Often, we see that steering committees accept risks, which are outside of their control or influence within a project model.
And it is in this particular area that risk management on a portfolio level makes a difference, instead of managing a great number of small project risks, that you really could be handling within the existing project framework.
If we dig deeper down into the kinds of risks which are merely accepted and often overlooked, while they are hidden away in the risk-log, it is our experience, that we can minimize delays, scope-changes and failed projects.
Through professionalization of risk management, we elevate the strategic level of the dialogue, so it does not end up as round table dialogue and endless listing of the usual things that often go wrong.
It is really in this area, that we can change the success rate of our project by simply removing one accepted risk, for each project we want to complete.
Still, this hurts, because you have to fight, and usually you end up changing position or function, so you do not get to see the effect of the ticking timebomb you previously accepted.
Risk management is more than just a process, it is management, attitude and having the willingness to do something about it that proves difficult.
At Peak, we can facilitate a change in attitude, anchor risk governance, and train your organization to become more aware when you accept risks.