Maturity assessment ensured continued - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK




Maturity assessment ensured continued improvement of project execution 

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An independent public transportation company had to validate the benefit of a larger investment. Peak helped them with an independent P3M3 maturity assessment and established a roadmap for the continued professionalization of the development activities.

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The company runs complex infrastructure and services, that involve 1000 daily departures and 500.000 passengers a day. This makes it a strategic skill to complete a big project successfully, as the project risks can be operational failures resulting in great societal losses. An internal maturity assessment had some years previously helped the company identify and improve their project execution abilities. However, there was still a need for a follow up and independent P3M3-maturity assessment of the central portfolio of projects, in order to document the effect of the big investment.  


Peak’s first task was to go over the existing reports, ambition level and material in order to pinpoint the right level for a review. This also involved going over project processes and -documentation and interviewing selected project participants and managers as well as steering committee and PMO. In that way, we could hold together project processes with anchored knowledge, competencies and behaviour. On the basis of these insights, we could conduct the maturity assessment based on the P3M3 framework. 

 The result was a report, that validated the positive effects of the company’s investment in project maturity, and that presented recommendations for short- and long-term initiatives. Furthermore, Peak held a workshop with management, where the general roadmap for the continued maintenance and improvement of development activities was prepared.  

Are you facing a maturity assessment?

At Peak we carry out Best Practice maturity assessments in classic project organizations (project, program and portfolio management level) and agile delivery organizations alike. Maturity assessment is especially relevant for organizations with the following needs:  

  • Establishing a common and independent image of the status quo 
  • Establishing a baseline evaluation, that future assessments and progress can be measured against 
  • Identifying areas that need special focus, for example where risks can be reduced or areas that can significantly help secure or increase benefits realization. 

Read our other cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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