agile execution in danish telecommunications concern - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK




Energy- and telecommunications concern implemented effective agile execution  

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Peak laid the groundwork for an increased streamlining-potential in a recently merged energy- and telecommunications concern. Among other things, this involved a concrete implementation plan for effective, agile project completion and IT-operation as well as preparation of clearly defined agile frameworks.  

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In the wake of a recently completed merger the concern wished to further strengthen, make clear and anchor its common execution-, reporting- and management models. Here, the primary focus had to be streamlining of agile principles and methods. But the organization had an insufficient governance-model for prioritization of projects, tasks and incidents, as the agile development models were not adequately described in the project model. Therefore, the agile approach was not consistently applied across departments and project teams, and the people, participating in the development projects, had different agile experience levels.   


A comprehensive observation-phase with interviews and review of the models showed a significant streamlining-potential by expanded application of agile methods. Therefore, Peaks consultants prepared a concrete and detailed implementation plan to achieve more effective project execution and IT-operation. Here, the focus was on an anchored agile model with clearly defined agile elements. The model featured, among other things, the layout of a clearly described IT governance model for IT development, that ensured plainly described interfaces and distribution of roles between PL, PO and business. Moreover, focus was put on the application of Agile Value Streams. Peak’s consultants thus helped deliver an implementation plan, that enabled and optimized an effective agile execution in the organization.  

Do you want us to help your agile transformation succeed?

Our consultants have well-documented experience with implementing agile principles and thus optimizing an effective agile execution in projects and organizations. We have no ready-made solutions, but always take your situation, maturity and ambitions as our starting point 

Read our other cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
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[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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