M_o_R®4 Practitioner in English - emagine courses

M_o_R®4 Practitioner in English

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Save time with M_o_R® Practitioner – al in onecertification course.From autumn 2023, the traditional M_o_R® Foundation& Practitioner course will be updated to M_o_R® Practitioner. This newerversion of ‘Management of Risk’ not only combines the two previous Foundation& Practitioner certification courses, but also involves people to a muchgreater extent, and guides how to effectively integrate risk management with Agile practices at all levels ofan organization.
Our ambition is to provide informative and practical guidance so that each learner can apply the M_o_R 4 framework immediately with a view to realising the true value. This encompasses all organisations independent of sector, location, product range. Even applicable to all aspects of life both inside and outside of an organisation!

The M_o_R 4 course includes a variety of hands-on exercises to ensure that the theory is embedded, and learners feel confident in the practical application of M_o_R 4.
Management of Risk (M_o_R 4) is designed to help your organisation establish an effective framework for risk management, enabling you to make informed decisions about the risks that affect any of your strategic, portfolio, programme, project, product, and operational objectives as well as an integrated approach that gives senior management an overall view of risk.
We provide practical guidance for managing risk, showing how risk links to opportunity and the realisation of benefits. M_o_R 4 is universally applicable and aligned to ISO standards.

Throughout the course, our M_o_R 4 experts will help learners understand the benefits of adopting the M_o_R methodology and guidance on how we can achieve this, through an informative and practical way.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:

• understand the purpose & principles of risk management

• understand how risk management applies within and across the 6 perspectives
• understand how people and culture influence effective risk management

• understand how to apply the 8 processes of risk management to create and protect value
This course is relevant if you or your organisation need a practical approach to managing risk based on best management practice. You may be a manager or have a support function which requires that you have a detailed understanding of various aspects of the management of risk and the key management documents that should be created.
It is recommended that you have a reasonable understanding of risk within your organization, as you may be asked to work through you own examples as part of the course. But there are no prerequisites for taking M_o_R® 4, and the certification is valid for three years.
We recommend that you use approx. 15 hours to go over the M_o_R® 4 material prior to taking the course.
It is a 3 day course and you can book your exam after the course. You can schedule the exact date/time so it suit you. The first 2 days of the course is 09.00 – 16.30 and the third day is 09.00 – 15.00.
After the course you can book your exam by using your exam voucher. It is a pre-requisite that you have participated in the course before you can take the exam. As Peak Consulting Group does not have exam rooms available, it is not possible to take the exam at the end of the course. 

The exam consists of a multiple choice of 65 questions. In order to pass the exam, you must have minimum 33 correct answers. You have 2 hours and 15 mins for the exam if your native language is English and will be granted an additional 25% for non English.
Trainer and course materials are accredited by PeopleCert.The course and examination will be in English.

M_o_R®4 Practitioner in English

19. nov

21. nov 2024

- 16:30
Language: English 
Materials: English 
DKK 19.000

incl. certifcation, materials and catering.

All price are excl. VAT

Alle priser er ekskl. moms

M_o_R®4 Practitioner in English

28. apr

30. maj 2025

- 16:30
DKK 19.000

incl. certifcation, materials and catering.

All price are excl. VAT

Alle priser er ekskl. moms

What you gain
What the organisation gain

The course covers the following areas:

Learners are introduced to the world of Risk Management and the M_o_R® 4 framework. Throughout our entire course, the focus for an organisation or sub-set of it, is to create and protect value. Value can be in the form of benefits, how useful or the importance of one or more outcomes.

Understanding what a risk is and why and when we should do risk management and how Risk management is part of Corporate Governance & Internal Control. Learners are also introduced to four fictitious scenarios that are storyboarded throughout the course.

M_o_R® 4 principles are essential for the development and maintenance of good risk management. They are intended to guide an organisation to develop its own approach to meet their specific needs.

  • Aligns with objectives
  • Fits the context
  • Engages stakeholders
  • Provides clear guidance
  • Informs decision making
  • Facilitates continual improvement
  • Creates a supportive culture
  • Achieves measurable value

Risk management is focused on objectives and decision making. The objectives and decision making in each perspective will be different. This must also reflect tailored practices and controls.

Most organisations will not operate across all six perspectives but will have strategic and operational objectives. One of the many strengths of M_o_R® 4 is the full integration of all six perspectives providing a joined-up approach that facilitates escalation, delegation and aggregation of risk.

  • Strategic
  • Portfolio
  • Programme
  • Project
  • Product
  • Operational

M_o_R® 4 also addresses the unique challenges of working in an Agile way, providing clear guidance on how to effectively integrate risk management with Agile practices at all levels of an organisation, helping teams and individuals alike to use risk to enhance enterprise agility and resilience. In short, understanding risk as an opportunity as well as a threat and how, when managed effectively, it enables business success.

A new addition to M_o_R® 4 is a chapter on ‘People’ and ‘culture’ which shows how implementing a positive risk culture provides people within an organisation with the skills to manage risk in a collaborative, communicative, and transparent way. Topics include developing a supportive risk culture, engaging stakeholders, building individual competence, and working with decision bias. We will explore what this means to the organisation and of course you! We will also explore what the challenges may look like along with top tips and advice on how we can look to overcome them.

To create and protect value through risk management, M_o_R® 4 provides eight distinct processes to achieve this. Each process has its unique purpose, objectives, techniques, support documents, and involvement of key roles. All will be explored in an interactive way via a scenario.

All 8 processes apply across each and every perspective and collectively form the M_o_R® 4 process cycle. Please find below a list of all 8 processes:

  • Define context and objectives
  • Identify threats and opportunities
  • Prioritise risks
  • Assess combined risk profile
  • Plan responses
  • Agree contingency
  • Monitor and report progress
  • Review and adapt

Integrating risk management will align to the context of the organisation, both internal and external. How we achieve this will differ depending on the operating model the organisation uses. Our focus here is between functional and product orientation. We will explore the differences between the two models and the potential impact these introduce. Without understanding and addressing these impacts there is a strong likelihood that the integrated risk management approach will not maximise and fully protect the expected value.

Upcoming courses

M_o_R®4 Practitioner in English

19. nov

21. nov 2024

- 16:30
Language: English 
Materials: English 
DKK 19.000

incl. certifcation, materials and catering.

All price are excl. VAT

Alle priser er ekskl. moms

M_o_R®4 Practitioner in English

28. apr

30. maj 2025

- 16:30
DKK 19.000

incl. certifcation, materials and catering.

All price are excl. VAT

Alle priser er ekskl. moms

Testimonials from our participants

Vi fik nogle gode konkrete modeller, værktøjer og indblik i hvordan vi/jeg kan implementere og anvende bæredygtighed i, udenfor og med vores projekter. Særligt er project charter, udviklet af jer, eminent til både at gøre det visuelt, pænt og nemt at implementere.

En god blanding af makkerskab, faglige stærke på forskellige områder. Et godt samspil mellem empiri, compliance og praksis i kurset.

Lisbeth Lemonius
SOS international logo

PRINCE2 Foundation

Kurset gav en rigtig god indflyvning til PRINCE2-universet, der klædte os bedre på til at strukturere projekter af forskellig karakter. Jeg har fået en langt bedre forståelse for, hvordan gode projekter kan styres. Ofte er man så fokuseret på at nå i mål med projekterne, at man glemmer at tænke mere holistisk fra start. Underviseren har rigtig dygtigt vist, hvorfor det er en forudsætning for at lykkes med gode projekter, at projekter planlægges. 

Kenneth Hjorth-Hansen
Bilbranchen logo

PRINCE2 Foundation

I can say with confidence that my expectations were met and I am happy with my decision to take the course. In terms of key takeaways from the course, for me this would be the fact that PRINCE2® can be tailored to suit any project, which will help me in managing all my future projects more efficiently. The facilitation of the course was perfectly executed by Peak Consulting Group and the overall course experience was just great! 

Edi Simeonov Boyanov
Edi Simeonov Boyanov

Half Double Foundation

Kurset levede fuldt ud op til min forventninger + lidt mere. Jeg fik min certificering og en rigtig god indsigt i Half Double metodologien. Desuden fik jeg en masse eksempler fra rigtige projekter, hvilket i høj grad hjælper med at forstå begreberne og deres anvendelse.

Det gør undervisningen meget mere interessant, at formidlingen er krydret med eksempler fra den virkelige verden. Det er ganske enkelt mere tyngde i det, når formidleren inddrager egne erfaringer i undervisningen. Det giver desuden en dybde, at underviseren formår at perspektivere materialet og forholde sig kritisk til det.


Peter Lundin

Jeg gik derfra med en lyst til at vide endnu mere og til at prøve det af i praksis.


Det var et usædvanligt godt kursus. Det fungerede super godt, at der var fokus på hverdagen. Jeg har anbefalet kurset til chef ift. at hele vores afdeling ville have gavn af det.


PRINCE2 Foundation


Kurset levede bestemt op til mine forventninger. I løbet af de 3 dage fik vi et godt indblik i det basale i PRINCE2 metode, samt havde tid til at diskutere, hvordan dette kunne sættes i kontekst ift. erfaringer eller udfordringer vi som deltagere stod overfor. Der var bestemt ingen tvivl om, hvor meget erfaring underviseren har med projektledelse og brugen af PRINCE2, hvilket betød at man altid følte sig i meget trygge hænder.

Sandra Villumsen
NielsenIQ, logo

M_o_R Foundation

I am really happy I took the course. I definitely got wiser and learned a lot I didn’t already know. I have already worked with Risk Management in my job, but now I know more about the importance of knowing the objective and having the right tools throughout the process.”

Nina Achton Jørck

M_o_R Foundation

It was overall a great course, and I left with what I expected to receive, and a lot more. All the different angles to risk were covered, and in a professional way. Great teacher and with a very fun twist to the course. Very funny man, and definitely a great teacher. I was able to learn how to apply risk management to my company, and how it can be used broadly. It really opened up my mind to how wide risk stretches.

Malek Salah Awada

PRINCE2 Foundation

Kursusdagene var som forventet intense og alle trådene fra det forberedte selvstudie blev bundet godt sammen i et samlet overblik.

Dagene var supergodt orkestreret af underviseren, der balancerede fint mellem teori, øvelser og egne erfaringer. Og hun var rigtig god til at fremhæve de væsentlige pointer.

PRINCE2 frameworket har skærpet min forståelse for hvilke overvejelser, man bør gøre sig om temaer og processer undervejs i et projektforløb, og jeg har allerede brugt min nye viden til at få adresseret nogle emner i et igangværende projekt.

Albert Balestra
topdanmark, logo

Meet our trainers

Leif Knudsen


Lone Nedergaard-Jensen


Stephan Jensen


Jesper Vilstrup


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