With frequent deliveries, the recipients must be ready. - Peak Consulting Group




Recipient organizations must be prepared for frequent deliverables 

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Peak has executed what is currently Denmark’s largest agile investigation. In connection with this, we have created a series of articles, where we address the most important points. This article is the seventh and last in the series.  

The vast majority of the agile best practices focus on the work within delivery teams and delivery organizations. This focus, however, is often insufficient if your goal is to shorten your time to market.  

If your goal is to shorten your time to market, you also have to work on and optimize user- and delivery teams, to ensure that they are geared for receiving and processing frequent deliveries. For this same reason, it is interesting to explore what organizations, who are in some way working in an agile way, are doing in this area.  

79% of organizations are currently focused on ensuring, that the operating- and user organization is ready for frequent deliveries from the agile delivery organization. This number expected to increase to 94% of the organization within a year. The initiatives particularly involve a more effective text execution, where the focus on this part covers 30% of the initiatives, with an expected increase of 43% within a year.  

The text-related initiatives include among other things: “automation of tests”, “maturation of technical test environments”, as well as ensuring that “test-data is representative of the production environment”, which can hugely contribute to ensuring shorter time to market, which is often one of the drivers when implementing agile best practices.  

Technologically related initiatives  

It is not only technologically related initiatives which are put into motion. It is worth mentioning, that we also acknowledge the human dimension when it comes to ensuring, that the recipient organization is prepared for frequent deliveries. 

In a year it is expected, that 14% of initiatives will concern the handling of cultural and process-connected relationships. These specific initiatives, that have a more cultural- and human focus, compared to initiatives concerning establishment of DevOps and/or tailoring of ITIL-processes, is an expression of the acknowledgement that employees have to be included in these changes in order to achieve the desired effect.  

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