Next Generation Digital Post - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK




Greater Copenhagen municipalities used networking to get New Digital Post  

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In connection with Next Generation Digital Post the public sector was facing a larger implementation task in 2021. Peak helped The Greater Copenhagen Digitalization Association (DSD) get off to a good start.  

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In 2021, all Danes got a new IT-solution to digital post from public senders. With the new Digital Post, citizens and businesses received future-proof, user friendly and secure communication with the public sector – and the public sector got the same, only the other way around. But for state authorities it was a lot of work to map the system landscape as well as other work procedures and formats in order to meet the minimum requirements. In other words, it was a compliance- and implementation task, that for some authorities could be both confusing and way too resource demanding.   


Peak’s consultants gathered and facilitated a range of network meetings for DSD. For each meeting, the consultants prepared an overview of the relevant assignment packages connected to the transition. Furthermore, they prepared and facilitated mutual discussions of possible solutions to the tasks in a municipal context for the member municipalities. 

This gave the digitalization managers from DSD’s member municipalities a thorough exposition of the tasks, connected to the implementation of New generation Digital Post, as well as motivation and opportunity to execute on individual tasks. Concretely, this was shown through the following benefits: 

  • Insight and exposition of minimum requirements of individual phases and parts of the implementation 
  • Exposition of and reflection on The Danish Agency for Digital Government’s recommended processes and aids for completion of implementation 
  • Mapping of system landscape and contact structures for member municipalities 
  • Benefits of the MeMo-format 
  • Exchange of experience and dialogue with other municipalities in The Digitalization Association about task management as well as potential collaboration regarding supplier management. 


Workshops were conducted and facilitated by Peak’s consultants
Municipalities participated actively in the workshops
Assignment packages from The Danish Agency for Digital Government as well as solutions for these were covered

Do you want us to help you succeed with Next Generation Digital Post?

The implementation can be a large and confusing project, if you do not have the resources or the overview and the experience to make it succeed. At worst this can impact your regular operational tasks. At Peak we have previously advised multiple authorities on the implementation of digital post, and we are ready to help you, no matter where you are in your process.  

Read our other cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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