Børns Vilkår: Identified to realised MVP - Peak Consulting Group




Børns Vilkår went from identified to realised MVP in 2 months

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The advisory service BørneTelefonen had to undergo some technical system changes and ensure better answers for the children using the question-and-answer service. Peak introduced Half Double as project methodology for Børns Vilkår and implemented it in project “Better Answers”.

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Since 1987 Børns Vilkår has been running the advisory service BørneTelefonen, that gives anonymous advice to children having a difficult time. In 2018 they were facing a larger reorganization of the work with BørneTelefonen, motivated by a desire to give the children writing them better and more focused answers. This became project “Better answers”, where technical system changes and optimized work procedures would secure the desired effect. Here, Børns Vilkår needed a project method, that would create the desired effect faster. Peak’s consultant stepped in with the objective of implementing the project methodology Half Double, and with the intention to quickly deliver a minimum viable product (MVP), that was self-sustaining and delivered features that created value for the users. 


In collaboration with the project’s steering committee attention was focused on identifying the minimum viable product, so the project group and the steering committee could collectively identify, which MVP would be able to quickly create value for the children the project aimed to help.  


At the same time, there was a focus on visualizing the project ongoingly, so everyone had a common understanding of what they had to deliver. As Half Double prescribes, the steering committee was used as a close sparring partner throughout the entire course, and the steering committee leader was at the disposal of the project manager and the project at least one hour a week. At the same time, it was prioritized that the project participants were physically present to work together on the project at least one whole day a week.  

These dogmas were reflected in the results in the following ways: 

  • There was an increased focus on collaborating on deliverables in the project. 
  • The MVP was already delivered 2 months after, the project group had identified it. 
  • We saw a noticeable increase in motivation amongst the project participants. 


0 months
From identified MVP to delivered MVP

Do you want to get started on Half Double?

At Peak Consulting we have hundreds of thousands of hours work with project management and maturing under our belt. And as partners in Half Double Institute, we have already used the Half Double-methodology to create results within larger Danish organizations. If you wish to have better management of projects’ scope, stronger involvement of stockholders and anchoring of the project deliverable, we are happy to advise you about your opportunities with Half Double 

Read our other cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

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[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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