benefits realization in The Social Administration - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK




The Social Administration implemented a common method for benefits realization 

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Off-the-rails projects and ineffective benefits assessments made it necessary for the Municipality of Copenhagen to implement benefits realization as a method in their project model. By doing this, they increased both their project effects and documentation.  

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The Social administration in the Municipality of Copenhagen had difficulties getting the full benefits of the many, started projects. For one thing, this was caused by a lack of ability to measure whether they were realizing the planned benefits of the projects. And without an effective benefits assessment, it is difficult to attain the knowledge needed to act effectively and ensure benefits – regardless of whether you need to achieve an efficiency improvement or a cost reduction. Therefore, the Social Administration needed a technique that would ensure both method and assessment of their project benefits. 


Peak’s consultants helped implement benefits realization as a method in the social services department’s project model. The goal was to establish a method and framework for all projects of a certain size and also for projects, that were crucial to the business or to political awareness. In this way, the Social Administration now has each individual project idea’s potential evaluated and the inadequate ideas discarded. At the same time, processes for documenting benefits realization have been created, so it is clearer which past project have created value – and easier to agree on, what has to be done with the projects that come to nothing.  

Today the Social Administration is estimated to be one of the most advanced Danish organizations when it comes to benefits realization. 


0 Years
From started to anchored method

Do you want to implement benefits realization in your organization?

At Peak we take pride in making the benefits clear in our customer’s projects. Regardless of whether it is as consultants on a task, as advisors or by using our competency development. If you are in a position where benefits realization is about to play a bigger part in your organization, we have several approaches that can get you started.  

Read our other cases

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