About Peak  - Peak Consulting Group A/S - UK



About Peak 

It must be done properly

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When you ask Peak for help it is our mission to complete the task so well that we become unnecessary to your organization as soon as possible.
The recipe is not only a high level of professionalism but also good relations. This is the combination we aim to highlight with our business.

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Who we are

We are a management consultancy and training provider that covers a wide field of professions and specialists. We all share a dedication to our professionalism and how to best bring it into play with our customers in order to create the desired change.  

What we do

Hiring extern consultants means inviting strangers into your organisation. This can only be successful if the stranger is able to manage themselves. Insight and experience alone is not enough. 

This is why, great professional competency and good relations walk hand in hand when we offer our consultants. And this applies regardless of whether it is an agile transformation, an IT-development project or a sourcing task we are dealing with. 

Half Double Practitioner

What we believe in

Peak was founded on the belief that properness and humbleness will get you furthest. It is our ambition that our consultants must be perceived as equals to the employees of the organisation they enter.  

This requires the ability to adapt and create trust. In short, to conduct oneself properly. This is expressed through everything, from cleaning our own coffee-mugs to always handing things over properly when the task is completed.  

Read our cases

Bank improved cyber security with new IT-concept 
Agency saved 3 million through agile development project 
Transport company established best practice investment program 

Feel free to reach out:

[email protected] | Tlf: +45 3526 2880

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