PRINCE2® Foundation in English - emagine courses
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PRINCE2® Foundation in English

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PRINCE2 Foundation is an intensive course which aims at equipping you with a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the PRINCE2 methodology for use in running successful projects, as well as enabling your successful completion of the PRINCE2 Foundation exam.

• Learn and understand the PRINCE2 method
• Develop a thorough understanding of Best Practice Project Management through the PRINCE2 method
• Pass the Foundation exam
• Lay a firm knowledge to allow you to move on to practitioner level
Participating in the PRINCE2 Foundation course will give you detailed knowledge of the PRINCE2 method. You will also gain knowledge of the seven principles, processes, and themes central to running projects using this method. Upon successful completion of your exam, you will receive the recognised PRINCE2 Foundation qualification.
This course is relevant, if you see the need for a controlled approach to managing projects, either individually or at an organisational level. You are involved in projects as e.g. team member, project manager or project support.
This course focuses on process oriented project management and previous knowledge of project work would be to your personal advantage.
Approximately three weeks before course start, you will receive the PRINCE2 e-book and a pre-course workbook. The pre-course workbook consists of an introduction to PRINCE2, exercises and recommendations of relevant reading in the e-book. We recommend that you spend an estimated 20 hours going through the pre-course workbook prior to your participation in the course. You should read the whole e-book prior to the course.
The course is held as an intensive 3-day daytime course. Evening work during the course will be required.
As a participant you are expected and encouraged to contribute actively during the course activities which will alternate between theoretical reviews and exercises. Theory will be reviewed in relation to practical examples. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to test your progress against mock exam papers.
• Introduction to PRINCE2
PRINCE2 Principles, Themes and Processes
• Project Lifecycle
Processes, themes and documents used to assess viability of the project
• Initiation Stage
Processes, themes and documents used to initiate a project
• Subsequent Stages
Processes, themes and documents used to run through, more than once if necessary, the subsequentFinal Stage
Processes, themes and documents used to complete the project, handing it over to operations.
• PRINCE2 Foundation exam preparation
Review of typical exam questions, mapped against key areas of the PRINCE2 e-book
• How to approach the exam
• Mock exam practice
After the course you can book your exam by using your exam voucher. It is a pre-requisite that you have participated in the course before you can take the exam. As Peak Consulting Group does not have exam rooms available, it is not possible to take the exam at the end of the course. The exam consists of a multiple choice test of 60 questions. In order to pass the exam, you must have 33 correct answers out of 60.
Our trainers are highly experienced consultants, actively providing advice and assistance in relation to project, programme and portfolio management. This means that they bring both a high level of practical experience and theoretical knowledge to the course. Trainers and course materials are accredited by PeopleCert. The course is held in Danish or English, using course and examination materials in each respective language.
Choose your language when signing up.
• The official PRINCE2 e-book
• PRINCE2 Foundation Pre-course workbook 
• Access to PRINCE2 online quiz
• Comprehensive course materials useful as a reference guide after the course
• PRINCE2 Foundation exam
• Lunch, coffee and tea during the course
Please notice that this certification must be renewed every 3 years.
• If you have a PRINCE2 certificate from before 30 June 2020, your certification will expire on 30 June 2023.
• If you took your PRINCE2 certification after 30 June 2020, your certification expires 3 years after the date on your certificate.
This means that in the future you must renew your certification every 3 years if you want to keep your PRINCE2 certificate valid. If you are in doubt about when you have taken your exam, and thus when your certificate expires, you must log in to your PeopleCert profile, where you have access to your exams and certificates.
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Statements from our participants

PRINCE2 Foundation

Kurset gav en rigtig god indflyvning til PRINCE2-universet, der klædte os bedre på til at strukturere projekter af forskellig karakter. Jeg har fået en langt bedre forståelse for, hvordan gode projekter kan styres. Ofte er man så fokuseret på at nå i mål med projekterne, at man glemmer at tænke mere holistisk fra start. Underviseren har rigtig dygtigt vist, hvorfor det er en forudsætning for at lykkes med gode projekter, at projekter planlægges. 

Kenneth Hjorth-Hansen
Bilbranchen logo

PRINCE2 Foundation

I can say with confidence that my expectations were met and I am happy with my decision to take the course. In terms of key takeaways from the course, for me this would be the fact that PRINCE2® can be tailored to suit any project, which will help me in managing all my future projects more efficiently. The facilitation of the course was perfectly executed by Peak Consulting Group and the overall course experience was just great! 

Edi Simeonov Boyanov
Edi Simeonov Boyanov

PRINCE2 Foundation


Kurset levede bestemt op til mine forventninger. I løbet af de 3 dage fik vi et godt indblik i det basale i PRINCE2 metode, samt havde tid til at diskutere, hvordan dette kunne sættes i kontekst ift. erfaringer eller udfordringer vi som deltagere stod overfor. Der var bestemt ingen tvivl om, hvor meget erfaring underviseren har med projektledelse og brugen af PRINCE2, hvilket betød at man altid følte sig i meget trygge hænder.

Sandra Villumsen
NielsenIQ, logo

PRINCE2 Foundation

Kursusdagene var som forventet intense og alle trådene fra det forberedte selvstudie blev bundet godt sammen i et samlet overblik.

Dagene var supergodt orkestreret af underviseren, der balancerede fint mellem teori, øvelser og egne erfaringer. Og hun var rigtig god til at fremhæve de væsentlige pointer.

PRINCE2 frameworket har skærpet min forståelse for hvilke overvejelser, man bør gøre sig om temaer og processer undervejs i et projektforløb, og jeg har allerede brugt min nye viden til at få adresseret nogle emner i et igangværende projekt.

Albert Balestra
topdanmark, logo

PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner

Kurset gav mig evnen og redskaberne til at vurdere, i hvor høj grad projektorganisationen og projektet var egnet og parat til at arbejde agilt, og hvilke risici der følger med ved et agilt mindset.

Jeg fik en konkret værktøjskasse med metoder og principper at tage med hjem og anvende i dagligdagen som projektleder.  Det er en kæmpe hjælp i hverdagen når der skal brobygges imellem ledelsens forventninger og målsætninger med projektteamet arbejdsmetoder og performance.

Lars Lomholt
unit it, logo

Det er altid skønt at lære noget nyt, og sidste uge var ingen undtagelse! Her stod programmet på tre dages intensivt kursus, ledet af Peak Consulting Group og afsluttet med en PRINCE2®-certificering.

Nu glæder jeg mig til at bruge min nye indsigt i projektledelsens Best Practice til at gøre en forskel i mit frivillige virke hos AXIS, og ikke mindst skabe værdi for min kommende arbejdsgiver!

Pia Sørensen

Tak for – Et RIGTIG godt forløb – både med indhold og også de to evalueringer, som KRÆVER noget og GIVER noget.

Lars Berg Møller

De sidste par dage har været intensive, lærerige og spændende med Peak Consulting Group, hvor Jesper Vilstrup har sørget for inspirerende undervisning. Jeg er glad for, at jeg nu er certificeret i Prince2 Foundation – projektledelse og glæder mig til at anvende mine nye tilegnede metoder i den virkelige verden.

Salli Lea König

Faglig dygtig underviser der var god til at forklare og formidle indholdet. God balance mellem teori og gruppearbejde.

Anja Hansen

Lone er utrolig struktureret og god og tålmodig i forhold til at svare på spørgsmål.

Christine Larsen
Finanstilsynet logo

Meet our trainers

Stephan Jensen


Nick Thomas


Lone Nedergaard-Jensen


Leif Knudsen


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